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A basic Node FFMpeg wrapper, easy to use, chainable ffmpeg cli generator and runner.


Install via NPM

npm install ffmpeg-wrap

Require in Node

var FFMpeg = require('ffmpeg-wrap').FFMpeg;


Set FFMpeg Path, by default it uses whatever is in the path


Basic Input/Output

Basic convert file.mov to file.mp4 using ffmpeg default settings

var command = new FFMpeg(); // Returns a FfmpegComand Class
var input = command.input('path/to/file.mov'); // Returns a FfmpegInput Class
var output = command.output('path/to/file.mp4') // Returns a FfmpegOutput Class
command.on('end', function () { console.log('done'); });
command.on('error', function (err) { console.error(err); });
command.run(); // Spawns the ffmpeg Command

This outputs and runs the ffmpeg command ffmpeg -i path/to/file.mov path/to/file.mp4

Convenience Methods

Both the FFMpegInput & FFMpegOutput classes have several convenience methods linked to the FFMpegCommand for chaining (input, output, run, on, off, emit). This allows the above example to be replaced with

new FFMpeg().input('path/to/file.mov').output('path/to/file.mp4').run();

Setting Input/Output Options

new FFMpeg().input('path/to/file.pcm')

Or any options can be passed as an object on the input call

new FFMpeg().input('path/to/file.pcm', {
    format: 's16le',
    audioCodec: 'pcm_s16le',
    audioChannels: 2,
    audioFrequency: 48000

This outputs the ffmpeg command ffmpeg -f s16le -c:a pcm_s16le -ac 2 -ar 48000 -i path/to/file.pcm